About Me

Man M. Ho

Research Fellow
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute (SCI)
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT

Contact: man.ho (at) sci.utah.edu
Personal: manminhho.cs (at) gmail.com

This is a webpage for my done/ongoing projects and photos. My interests lie in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Histopathology Imaging, and Photography. Also, I love taking/editing/retouching photographs. Please check my [CV] for more details.


2024/04: F2FLDM preprint is out
2024/04: Extended version of DISC was accepted to SynData4CV @ CVPR 2024
2024/02: HistoEM was accepted to Modern Pathology
2024/02: DISC was accepted to ISBI 2024

My projects are related to

Computational Photography:
  • Image/Video Color/Style Transfer
  • Colorization
  • Restoration
  • Manipulation
  • Smartphone Photo Scanning
  • Pathology Imaging:
  • Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis
  • Transfer Learning
  • Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Data Shortage

  • Selected Publications

    F2FLDM: Latent Diffusion Models with Histopathology Pre-Trained Embeddings for Unpaired Frozen Section to FFPE Translation
    Man M. Ho, Shikha Dubey, Yosep Chong, Beatrice S. Knudsen, and Tolga Tasdizen
    In arXiv Preprint, 2024.
    Description: Developed LDMs with Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) and Histopathology Pre-Trained Embeddings for translating low-quality frozen section images to high-quality FFPE images, taking generative model hallucinations into account and improving classification performance from 81.99% to 94.64% AUCROC on low-quality frozen slides, while the performance on high-quality FFPE images reached 94.63%.

    DISC: Latent Diffusion Models with Self-Distillation from Separated Conditions for Prostate Cancer Grading
    Man M. Ho, Elham Ghelichkhan, Yosep Chong, Yufei Zhou, Beatrice S. Knudsen, and Tolga Tasdizen
    In IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2024.
    Extended version accepted to SynData4CV @ CVPR 2024.
    Description: Developed Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) to generate high-fidelity histopathology images for training prostate cancer grading models. Introduced the DISC framework to enhance the accuracy of GG patterns from LDMs trained on imprecise annotations.

    Deep Photo Scan: Semi-Supervised Learning for dealing with the real-world degradation in Smartphone Photo Scanning
    Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou
    In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2022.
    Description: A promising baseline for learned smartphone-scanned photo restoration.

    Deep Preset: Blending and Retouching Photos with Color Style Transfer
    Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou
    In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021.

    Description: Proposed a novel color style. Lightroom Preset now can be any well-retouched photos.

    RR-DnCNN v2.0: Enhanced Restoration-Reconstruction Deep Neural Network for Down-Sampling Based Video Coding
    Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou, Gang He
    In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2021.
    Description: Investigated the effect of compression degradation for training. Proposed a new learned down-sampling-based video coding framework.

    Other Publications

    HistoEM: A Pathologist-Guided and Explainable Workflow Using Histogram Embedding for Gland Classification
    Alessandro Ferrero, Elham Ghelichkhan, Hamid Manoochehri, Man M. Ho, Daniel J. Albertson, Benjamin J. Brintz, Tolga Tasdizen, Ross T. Whitaker, and Beatrice S. Knudsen
    In Modern Pathology, 2024

    CLASS-M: Adaptive stain separation-based contrastive learning with pseudo-labeling for histopathological image classification
    Bodong Zhang, Hamid Manoochehri, Man M. Ho, Fahimeh Fooladgar, Yosep Chong, Beatrice S. Knudsen, Deepika Sirohi, and Tolga Tasdizen
    In arXiv preprint, 2023.

    Interactive Image Manipulation with Complex Text Instructions
    Ryugo Morita, Zhiqiang Zhang, Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou
    In Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2023.

    On Pre-chewing Compression Degradation for Learned Video Compression
    Man M. Ho, Heming Sun, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jinjia Zhou
    In IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2022.

    Text-guided Image Manipulation based on Sentence-aware and Word-aware Network
    Zhiqiang Zhang, Chen Fu, Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou, Ning Jiang, Wenxin Yu
    In IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2022.
    Presented at AI for Content Creation Workshop (AI4CC) - CVPRW, 2022.

    Semantic-driven Colorization
    Man M. Ho, Lu Zhang, Alexander Raake, Jinjia Zhou
    In ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), 2021.

    Japanese Coins and Banknotes Recognition for Visually Impaired People
    Huyen T. T. Bui, Man M. Ho, Xiao Peng, Jinjia Zhou
    In VizWiz Workshop, 2020.

    SR-CL-DMC: P-frame coding with Super-Resolution, Color Learning, and Deep Motion Compensation
    (Top-5 performance among teams which have submitted a factsheet on P-frame Track, CLIC2020)
    Man M. Ho, Jinjia Zhou, Gang He, Muchen Li, Lei Li
    In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2020.

    Down-Sampling Based Video Coding with Degradation-Aware Restoration-Reconstruction Deep Neural Network
    (Oral - Best Paper Runner-up Award)
    Man M. Ho (Minh-Man Ho), Gang He, Zheng Wang, Jinjia Zhou
    In International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM), 2020.

    Respecting Low-level Components of Content with Skip Connections and Semantic Information in Image Style Transfer
    Man M. Ho (Minh-Man Ho), Jinjia Zhou, Yibo Fan
    In ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP), 2019.

    Awards and Honors

    2020/07, "Hosei University Science and Engineering Departments Education/Research Promotion Fund Academic Achievement Award 2020".
    2020/01, "Best Paper Runner-up Award" at MMM2020, Deajeon, Korea.
    2018/08, "Key Contributor" by EyeQ Tech, Vietnam.
    2018/08, "Squad of the month" by EyeQ Tech, Vietnam.
    2016/12, “The Five-Virtue Student” by Vietnam National University, University of Information Technology.

    Professional Experience

    I have served as a reviewer for:
  • CVPRW 2020
  • BMVC 2020, 2021
  • WACV 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
  • ECCV 2024
  • ICCV 2021 (assistant)
  • Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA)

  • Gallery

    This collection syncs with The story of the Man (me, Man is my name).
    Also, let's check Sarugraphy Flickr for photos I've taken for others.
    (All rights reserved, Powered by Flickr)